Hospital Santo Amaro
Referência em obstetrícia, neonatologia e cirurgias em geral
Matriz da FJS e destaque nacional no combate à tuberculose
Soluções em Saúde para Empresas
Referência em soluções que garantem a proteção e saúde dos trabalhadores, promovendo um ambiente seguro e sustentável para o futuro da sua empresa.
Laboratório José Silveira
Qualidade e excelência em análises clínicas e anatomia patológica
Modelo em reabilitação de casos de limitações psicomotoras
Hospital Cristo Redentor
Atende a demanda de partos e de emergências em Itapetinga (BA)
Centro de Reabilitação da Ribeira
Atendimento especializado a pacientes com deficiências
Hospital Geral de Itaparica
Atendimento de urgência, obstétrico e cirúrgico
Santa Casa de Jequié
Qualidade em assistência obstétrica e clínica em Jequié (BA)
Saúde e Cidadania
Programa que leva saúde e assistência social a quem mais precisa
NICSA - Memorial em Santo Amaro
Memorial em Santo Amaro
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The rising prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) worldwide, especially in developing countries, and the persistence of tuberculosis (TB) as a major public health issue in these same regions, emphasize the importance of investigating this association. Here, we compared the clinical profile and disease outcomes of TB patients with or without coincident DM in a TB reference center in Brazil.
METHODS: We performed a retrospective analysis of a TB patient cohort (treatment naïve) of 408 individuals recruited at a TB primary care center in Brazil between 2004 and 2010. Data on diagnosis of TB and DM were used to define the groups. The study groups were compared with regard to TB disease presentation at diagnosis as well as to clinical outcomes such as cure and mortality rates upon anti-tuberculosistherapy (ATT) initiation. A composite score utilizing clinical, radiological and microbiological parameters was used to compare TB severity between the groups.
RESULTS: DM patients were older than non-diabetic TB patients. In addition, diabetic individuals more frequently presented with cough, night sweats, hemoptysis and malaise than those without DM. The overall pattern of lung lesions assessed by chest radiographic examination was similar between the groups. Compared to non-diabetic patients, those with TB-diabetes exhibited positive acid-fast bacilli in sputum samples more frequently at diagnosis and at 30 days after ATT initiation. Notably, higher values of the TB severity score were significantly associatedwith TB-diabetes comorbidity after adjustment for confounding factors. Moreover, during ATT, diabetic patients required more frequent transfers to TB reference hospitals for complex clinical management. Nevertheless, overall mortality and cure rates were indistinguishable between the study groups.
CONCLUSIONS: These findings reinforce the idea that diabetes negatively impacts pulmonary TB severity. Our study argues for the systematic screening for DM in TB reference centers in endemic areas.
- Data de Publicação: 11/01/2016
- Autores: Gil-Santana L, Almeida-Junior JL, Oliveira CA, Hickson LS, Daltro C, Castro S, Kornfeld H, Netto EM, Andrade BB.