Hospital Santo Amaro
Referência em obstetrícia, neonatologia e cirurgias em geral
Matriz da FJS e destaque nacional no combate à tuberculose
Soluções em Saúde para Empresas
Referência em soluções completas e personalizadas em Segurança do Trabalho, Saúde Ocupacional e Gestão Ambiental.
Laboratório José Silveira
Qualidade e excelência em análises clínicas e anatomia patológica
Modelo em reabilitação de casos de limitações psicomotoras
Hospital Cristo Redentor
Atende a demanda de partos e de emergências em Itapetinga (BA)
Centro de Reabilitação da Ribeira
Atendimento especializado a pacientes com deficiências
Hospital Geral de Itaparica
Atendimento de urgência, obstétrico e cirúrgico
Santa Casa de Jequié
Qualidade em assistência obstétrica e clínica em Jequié (BA)
Saúde e Cidadania
Programa que leva saúde e assistência social a quem mais precisa
NICSA - Memorial em Santo Amaro
Memorial em Santo Amaro
OBJECTIVE: To determine the association between smoking and pulmonary tuberculosis treatment failure.
METHODS: This was a case-control study conducted at the Brazilian Institute for Tuberculosis Research in the city of Salvador, Brazil, between 2007 and 2015. We evaluated 284 patients treated for pulmonary tuberculosis, comparing 50 cases of treatment failure with 234 control cases in which the final outcome was cure.
RESULTS: Treatment failure was attributed to smoking and age rather than to gender, income, level of education, alcohol consumption, or marital status. Therefore, even after adjustment for age, the risk of treatment failure was 2.1 times (95% CI: 1.1-4.1) higher among the patients with a history of smoking. In addition, being over 50 years of age was found to increase the likelihood of treatment failure by 2.8 times (95% CI: 1.4- 6.0). Conclusions: Smoking and aging are both associated with pulmonary tuberculosis treatment failure. Therefore, as part of a tuberculosis control program, health personnel should be prepared to offer strategies to promote smoking cessation and should be more careful with older patients.
KEYWORDS: Tobacco use disorder; Tuberculosis; Treatment failure.
- Data de Publicação: 05/01/2019
- Autores: Juan Pablo Aguilar, María B Arriaga, Monica Ninet Rodas, Eduardo Martins Netto